AROD is a brand of innovative garments and underwears that are not only technical but also extremely comfortable... and 100% Made in France.

Our brand - arod - was born in the middle of France in 2006.

100% MADE IN FRANCE : knitting, dyeing, making... all the operations are made in between the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.

You might use your arod's garment in order to practice your favorite sport, or as an everyday wear... appreciating anyhow its technicality, its unique comfort and its easycare.


The entire arod collection will offer you a high technicality and an extreme comfort thanks to the technical fibers we selected and to the way we stitched them together. Please discover our MEN, WOMEN, and KIDS collections, which are composed of t-shirts, vests, fleece jackets, tank tops, pants and tights, shorts, boxers, briefs, socks, tubes, ...

You will also find on our website some products from other manufacturers (Guidetti, Crambes, WildSeat, Opinel, ...), which we have selected for the quality of their products and their French manufacture.

Please feel free to join us, either by mail ( or by phone (+ we are at your disposal.

Your contact : Rodolphe Quéméner


BONUS : even though we can not translate the poem below, we meant to share it with you.
Here is a smooth way to introduce ourselves to you :

Souffrez que l’on vous conte, comme l’on chante une ode,
Qui nous sommes, d’où l’on vient, quelle est l’âme de AROD ?!
Et pour plus de panache à donner à la chose
Goûtons l’alexandrin à défaut de la prose.

Tout un chacun brillera à être différent,
Visant à l’opposé de la plupart des gens.
Assumant ses pensées, défiant l’engouement,
Solide, méritant, droit, dernier des Mohicans !

Epris de cet adage, il nous vint à l’idée
D’opposer aux imports de mauvaise qualité
Un vêtement technique, confortable et français,
Une marque à l’écoute et de proximité.

Si bien que, sans rien perdre en bravant cette mode,
Nous nous fîmes Uniques et créâmes arod.
Nos tissus sont français… et telles sont les teintures.
La confection ? Locale ! Tout comme les fournitures…

Tremblez tristes guenilles, arrière vils chiffons !
Fleurant le container vous offensez nos sens.
Tantôt chacun goûtera l’ineffable frisson
D’une garde-robe saine et de digne naissance.

Fi émissions carbone ! Tout arod est durable.
Soyons tous patriotes, mais aussi responsables.
Rejoignez notre éthique, aimez nos idéaux,
Ensemble le chemin n’en sera que plus beau !

Rodolphe Quéméner
arod's brand creator